28. Februar 2009

i am also a philosophical argument

"'Elenchus' in the wider sense means examining a person with regard to a statement he has made, by putting to him questions calling for further statements, in the hope that they will determine the meaning and the truth-value of his first statement. Most otten the truth-value expected is falsehood; and so 'elenchus' in the narrower sense is a form of cross-examination or refutation."
"The elenchus changes ignorant men from the state of falsely supposing that they know to the state of recognizing that they do not know; and this is an important step along the road to knowledge, because the recognition that we do not know at once arouses the desire to know, and thus supplies the motive that was lacking before. Philosophy begins in wonder, and ... elenchus supplies the wonder."
"The following objection may be made to the method of elenchus: it only tells you that you are wrong, and does not also tell you why."

1 Kommentar:

Hark RSS hat gesagt…

and what do you mean to say?