1. März 2011


March first. What a nice date. a demand as well.

It is literally a year since I last updated. Once again the sun is emerging, as are we all, from long gray hibernation.
So much has changed:
1) The written part of my thesis is done, haha! The last weeks were wedded to the library, last months tied to books and ideas and writing and a year dreading the morning after, this moment, because what oh what do I do now? Study again? Get a job as a sound studies master? At least there is still the Presentation (defense) and Exhibition to look forward to.
On that note, I met quite a few interesting books along the way. Acoustic Territories by Brandon Labelle and The Unwanted Sound of Everything we Want by Garret Keizer and best but also involved, The Audible Past by Jonathan Sterne.

2) My family is coming in just a week. Yippeee! so excited. The last time we convened was on NY soil. My brother was becoming teenraged but I trust he has gotten more accustomed to such coursing hormones, or if not now then he will. All in good time.

There may be rebellions in Libya and a string of overthrown leaders in African states but the biggest story in this town is about the defense minister zu Guttenberg who overused copy-and-paste on his doctor dissertation and underused footnotes. In short, he plaguerised…and has now stepped down from his position. A small victory for honest intellectuals?